Cash vouchers are only tabulated at the end of every month for all the previous month orders. The cash voucher will be sent to your rider wallet after the first week of the succeeding month.
All cash vouchers must be redeemed by using the bamboo rewards coupon codes (The coupon codes you converted using your bamboo rewards points in Rider Shop).
Any cash voucher order without using the bamboo rewards coupon codes will be cancelled and you will get the refund automatically within 10 to 14 business days.
If you keep purchasing cash vouchers without using discount codes, disciplinary actions might be taken against your account. For example, points in your account would be deducted, your tier would be downgraded, or your account might be suspended.
Ex: You placed an order during October 1st 2022 till October 31st 2022. We tabulate all October cash voucher orders within the first week in November (November 1st till November 8th 2022). You should receive the payment in your rider wallet after the first week.