is a collaborative project started by our very own Ren Parr (they/them) with the goal of raising awareness about trans, non-binary and gender-fluid folks working within the beer industry.
“A Beer They Made began as a project to highlight and connect trans and non binary (non cis) folk in the beer industry. It naturally developed in a deeper way than I expected, connecting this community, allies and the people of Toronto sharing their passions and skills, and promoting safe spaces where queer and racialized communities can feel seen and celebrated.”
— Ren Parr, Packaging Manager
This year we've teamed up with the , a 14-piece professional chamber pop ensemble dedicated to utilizing story and song to express, honour and elevate 2SLGBTQ experience. The beer we made together takes the form of a highly drinkable Lager made with hand-picked dandelions. And what complements a crisp, refreshing lager with a subtle botanical note? Music, of course! On July 12th, the QSO will take over our Ossington brewpub for an intimate concert, paired with — a delicious beer that we worked together to develop, brew and package for you to enjoy. Please join us! Tickets below.