$795.00 Total Class Fee
If you would like to be on the waiting list please send your name, address, email, and a phone number.
$595.00 Balance due 60 days prior to class. The classes are full, however we do have a waiting list. Many classes were booked last year, there is a good chance there will be some cancelations . Please call or email to be placed on the list, 800-316-9010.
Beginner Class Dates: May 2nd - 5th, May 16th - 19th, May 23rd - 26th and Sept 19th - 22nd, Sept. 26th - 29th, Oct. 3rd - 6th 2023 Classes.
The class is four days. Tuesday through Thursday 9:00am - 4:30pm. Friday 9:00am to 3:30pm.
We serve lunch Tuesday through Friday. All the wood, patterns, and supplies are provided. All you will need to do is show up!
The class will cover basic skills required to get you started on the right foot with Intarsia. We thoroughly explain each step from choosing scroll saw blades to applying the finish. Each step is demonstrated with time for questions ensuring everyone understands the process. All wood, patterns, and supplies are provided.
We have three instructors for the beginner classes. Having one instructor to two students is a great ratio, we can answer all the questions that arise.
Tuesday- Time to get familiar with the scroll saw. Scroll sawing for Intarsia is different than cutting fretwork or shapes. Pieces need to be cut square on the side otherwise they will not fit or inlay properly. You will learn the skills needed to help achieve better fitting projects and general information about scroll saw blades as well as which blade works best for different species of wood.
We discuss the importance of using dry lumber, wood selection and working with a pattern. Judy will share her ideas on wood selection and learning to use the grain to enhance your intarsia pieces.
Wednesday - Begin scroll sawing your Intarsia project.
Thursday - Begin sanding and shaping the project. Judy will sand a section of the project she is working with, then you will go to your work station and sand the same section on your piece. Judy will walk around to answer questions and make suggestions. By the end of day the project will be roughed in and Judy will go over the next step of adding detail.
Friday - will be a little more relaxed, you will start adding detail to the project. After detailing the intarsia piece, you will cut out a backing. You will not apply a finish to the project you are working on. Instead we will continue the process with the piece Judy is working on. You will help apply the finish to the parts. Then Judy will cover her techniques for gluing the project to the backing. This is a part many people have trouble with.
The Beginner class is a great way to build a strong Intarsia foundation.
Email: Sevierville Convention & Visitors Bureau- 110 Gary Wade Blvd. - Sevierville, TN 37862 or call 888-738-4378 (865) 453-6411